Tuesday, August 11, 2020
In today’s uncertain economic times, people are driving less. They also are trying to save as much as they can on expenses, including their auto insurance. You might feel tempted to let your coverage lapse if you no longer drive. However, that’s the wrong decision. READ MORE >>
Tuesday, July 28, 2020
Something no driver ever wants to do is to hit an animal that strays into the roadway. This accident could cause a huge mess and damage your vehicle (and others if a chain wreck occurs). Not only that, there’s bound to be a fair amount of heartache if you are an animal lover. READ MORE >>
Thursday, July 9, 2020
If you ever wreck your car, then it’s understandable that the car might need to go to the shop for repairs. In the meantime, you might need a rental vehicle to get around until you get the car back. Your auto insurance might offer a couple of incentives called rental car coverage or rental reimbursement. READ MORE >>
Thursday, June 11, 2020
As the name would suggest, comprehensive auto insurance is a relatively high-level form of coverage. It's one that will give drivers more protections both on and off the road. If you carry only certain types of coverage, then you may face limited scenarios when you can file a claim. READ MORE >>
Tuesday, May 19, 2020You may have heard that some auto insurance carriers will give you a discount on your policy if you upgrade to different safety features. The idea is that the more precautions you take, the less likely it is that you'll ever file a claim in the first place.
Thursday, May 7, 2020Being in an accident is always going to be a difficult experience, regardless of who's fault it was. But dealing with the fall-out of an accident can be every bit as challenging too (sometimes even more so). We'll look at at-fault accidents and car insurance rates, so you have a better idea of what to expect. READ MORE >>
Tuesday, April 28, 2020If you can upgrade your car's safety features, great. If you can take a few advanced driving courses, even better. And of course, there are loyalty and age-related discounts that automatically kick in over time. But what are some easy ways to get your premiums down quick?
Affiliation/Affinity Discounts
Tuesday, April 21, 2020When a car is "totaled," what that means is that your insurer has marked it up as a "total loss." That is, to repair the car would cost more than it would to replace it.
So, what happens to a totaled car after you've filed your auto insurance claim?
You Will Typically Retain Ownership of The Car
Thursday, April 9, 2020If you're like most drivers, you want to get the best auto insurance possible at the lowest price. Fortunately, finding a good and low-priced insurance plan doesn't have to be difficult. Read this article to learn about how to get affordable car insurance.
1. Claim Your Discounts
Thursday, January 23, 2020Depending on where you live, your credit score can have a huge impact on your car insurance premiums, or it may not count at all. Here's why that is and what you can do about it.
How Do Auto Insurance Rates Affect Your Car Insurance Premium?
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